Saturday, April 17, 2010


I have many post that I need to go back and work on such as Spring Break and Easter - I just haven't had much time lately!

I had been feeling really sick all the time, super tired, gaining weight even though I was working out, having more and more anxiety attacks, and just feeling like I've had a on going cold. I had no idea what was wrong - WAIT......

After re-reading what I'd typed I realized that had I read those symptoms on another friends blog - I would have to assume that I was pregnant - NO WAY! So get that idea right out of your head! Not Happening!

I finally decided that I had enough, and went to the doctor, the blood work came back and found that my thyroid is acting up - it is Hypo-active - and this starts to explain a lot of things. Like why am I working out and not seeing the results and why is it I fell asleep in the middle of sacrament last week!

Hopefully the medicines will take affect and I will be back to my normal hyper self very soon!


Jen said...

I did see you in the hallway on Sunday and i was trying to get Chris to sleep. You looked very peaceful!

Cindy Killebrew said...

Great news! It's always nice to get an answer as to what is wrong with you and that it is not just in your head. My thyroid was out of whack while I was pregnant with Layton. Imagine being tired because you are pregnant and then add in a low thyroid. :) I hope the meds work soon!

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