Monday, January 18, 2010

15 years old

Rachel is 15! I have really enjoyed sitting back and watch this wonderful kid turning into an amazing teen. This year she has found her love for books - but only for vampire books - at the beginning of the year I would not allow her to read one without me reading it first - but I now know that even thought the books are about vampires - they are very age appropriate and I am glad to see her reading. She worked really hard on her basketball skills this year and she has improved - she really enjoys being on the basketball team. She has transitioned to high school with no problems. She has been very good at getting up early and attending Seminary. She enjoys babysitting and earning her own money. She is driving me crazy to be able to get her learners permit - I just can't seem to get it in my brain that she is old enough to drive and it scares me to death! I guess I will have to work on this fear and anxiety, because she is ready - watch out Houston - you might be seeing Rachel at the wheel and me with my hands over my eyes in the next few months!

Oh yes and for her birthday this year she finally got her braces off and she looks amazing! I will have to get her to smile for me soon so I can show off what my money has done for me lately! lol


Unknown said...

SOOO beautiful!!! She really is. Brianna is starting the process for her permit. I know how you feel! Can't wait to see you again!

Rachel said...

WOW... I can't believe she is 15!!

She is beautiful, I mean really beautiful! Get those pictures of her NEW smile up!

Patty said...

Rachel you have blossomed into a beautiful young lady. Your daddy will have to get a shotgun to keep all the young men away!
Love ya, Aunt Patty

Jeanette said...

She is a great girl. Beautiful, funny, smart-she is the whole package! She is such a great example too. You are really lucky to have her & I am lucky to work with her in YW. Happy 15 Rachel.

Cindy Killebrew said...

Yep, she is a beauty! Beautiful inside AND out!

Erica Huff said...

Happy Birthday! The picture is beautiful! You are a wonderful girl and we need to have you over again. Hope you had a wonderful day!

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