Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Michelle's ADD Playlist

I feel that it is important to explain some of my music on my playlist for any of you who check my blog and find one of my crazy songs playing. Anyone who knows me for more than a few minutes knows that I love the 80's so for Erasure, The Cure, Morrissey or Aerosmith to be on my playlist is not a surprise.

But there are some that need explanation - Believe it or not - theme song for the TV show "Greatest American Hero" was one of my fathers favorite shows and when this show came on he sang this song with all the power his lungs would allow, this song makes me smile. Elvira by the Oakridge Boys was another song that I feel in love with because of my dad - we used to sing "getty up a bump bapa bumpbapa moe moe, high hoe silver away" with the lowest deep voice we could - it made riding the car a blast! I still like to sing it to my girls - Rachel gets so embarrassed - Awesome!

Singing in the Rain, Uptown Girl and Bird Dog are all songs that remind me of my mom - she loved Billy Joel, she taught us to sing in the rain, and she looooved 50's music!

I used to HATE Country Music until going to El Paso where I learned very quickly that there were ZERO good radio stations. I went thru a time while there where I was a tad bit depressed, and then I found country music - where the people in the songs were going thru a lot worse than me - I found it made me cry and laugh all at the same time.... much needed free therapy! Listening to Country music drives John and Rachel CRAZY - which makes me want to laugh.

I love music and have learned to love all types of music - confession time - I can't get used to the Jonas Brothers no matter how much Rachel tells me they Rock - I just don't care for them. Sorry Rach!

If I didn't have music in my life - I couldn't drive a car, workout, clean house, ignore kids, I just wouldn't be me. So to all the great artist in the world - Thank-you!


CourtneyB said...

I can sing along to almost every song you mentioned! And yes, the theme to "Greatest American Hero" IS awesome! (;

Amy said...

I like a lot of the same stuff too!

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